What exactly a credit card statement is? A credit card statement is a record of all transactions that are made with a credit card during a specified period. By viewing the MyCardStatement credit card statement, the credit card holder can get a detailed description of their financial transactions just by a click and plan their future budget and expenses according to the same.
If you have not already registered on the official portal, select the option “Register for online services” that is provided on the main screen of the website address www.mycardstatement.com. With this registration, you can easily access the activity of your First American Bank credit card. In case, you have queries regarding MyCardStatement, kindly reach out to a representative by dialing the number 866-604-0380.
For lost or stolen cards: Call us during business hours at the number 701-524-1921 or 888-818-1921.
For issues regarding Debit card: 800-417-8715
For issues regarding credit card: 800-423-7503
Customer issues are classified here with the FNB card: 866-604-0380
MyCardStatement is one of the most incredible and the best online web portals to access your account online. If you have a credit card, you can use my statement facility provided by this portal effectively. The MyCardStatement website has been making life easy for each and every registered user. The MyCardStatement provides a wide range of benefits to each and every registered user.
Check your bank statement and your card balance at www.mycardstatement.com
The portal also enables the users to shop online and save as much money by claiming and getting some lucrative discounts on the MyCardStatement website. By checking the MyCardStatement receipts, the customer can easily recognize all transactions as they are clearly indicated on the receipts. The information provided is of very high quality and there is no margin for error. Still, if you face any sort of issues while accessing the portal, you can contact the very efficient customer support team of this portal without any hesitation.